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Quick start

Getting Started

Create a new HTML file and include the UNLE dependencies like below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="unle.css">
<!-- These libraries are necessary to running UNLE.js at the moment -->
<script src="" integrity="sha512-Ch/O6kL8BqUwAfCF7Ie5SX1Hin+BJgYH4pNjRqXdTEqMsis1TUYg+j6nnI9uduPjGaj7DN4UKCZgpvoExt6dkw==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script data-require="jquery@*" data-semver="2.1.4" src=""></script>
<script data-require="jquery-mousewheel@*" data-semver="3.1.13" src="//"></script>
<!-- We will use this later on -->
<div id="canvas"></div>

Now create a script tag and initialize UNLE

import UNLE from '<Path To UNLE.js File>'

let graph = new UNLE({
"canvas": document.getElementById("canvas"),
"show_id": true,
"node_radius": 20,
"node_color": 0x000000,

The options for the UNLE constructor are as follows:

let graph = new UNLE({
// The HTML DOM element to place the canvas element used to render UNLE in
"canvas": document.getElementById("canvas"),

// Wether or not to show the ID of each node on the canvas
"show_id": false,

"node_radius": 20,

"node_color": 0x00FF00,

// The width of the edges drawn to the canvas
"edge_width": 3,

Adding Nodes

To add a node to the graph, use the addNode method

graph.add_node("<node id>");

The id of the nodes can be either a string or a number.

Adding Edges

Adding edges is really simple:

graph.add_edge("<node id 1>", "<node id 2>");

Removing Nodes

Removing nodes is the same as adding nodes, just removing instead of adding for example:

graph.remove_node("<node id>");

Removing Edges

Same goes for edges:

graph.remove_edge("<node id 1>", "<node id 2>");

Node Language Input

UNLE.js supports a simple language to add nodes and edges to the graph. The language is as follows:

var input = `
nodes: 1, 2, central node, node, hello graph world!

1 -> 2
central node -> 2
node -> central node
